Time is a valuable commodity that you never get back. Did you know we have trucks on the road servicing Winnipeg homes, offices, and businesses? Sign up for this service and easily request a pick-up or delivery by phone or email. Sitting in your office or at home in your PJ’s, you will appreciate the convenience of emailing for a pick-up. If you are someone who has clothes strewn about on the bedroom floor or in your trunk for weeks, we can help! We provide you with a free yellow bag, attach an identification tag to keep it organized and program your customer file with any special instructions. All you need to do is call or email. You will receive the same fast quality service you appreciate without having to drive to one of our locations.
To get set up on a route, call us at 204-487-3083 or Email: info@bestcaredrycleaners.com or fill out the form below.
Check out what days our driver is in your area by entering the first 3 digits of your postal code.
We will contact you shortly, by phone, to get your Credit Card information securely.
Please DO NOT enter your credit card information into this form.